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CHN MACH EXPO 2023 Witnesses Success as Suzhou Qunzhi NC Showcases Innovative Machining Centers

Jul. 10, 2023

CHN MACH EXPO 2023 Witnesses Success as Suzhou Qunzhi NC Showcases Innovative Machining Centers

SHANGHAI, July 8, 2023 - Suzhou Qunzhi NC, a leading name in the machining tool manufacturing industry, recently participated in the CHN MACH EXPO held in Shanghai from July 5 to July 8.The four-day event provided an excellent platform for Qunzhi NC to present its cutting-edge machinery to both existing and potential clients.

During the exhibition, Suzhou Qunzhi NC proudly showcased a diverse range of products, including their highly sought-after vertical machining centers, horrizontal machining centers, and lathes. The company's commitment to innovation and quality was evident in the design and performance of their exhibited machines. Among the standout machines were the VL8S and VL11S models, which garnered significant attention from clients in the automotive industry. The machines' double-spindle design not only showcased Qunzhi NC's engineering expertise but also doubled the work efficiency, proving to be a game-changer for automotive manufacturers looking to boost productivity.

Mr. Zhang, a representative from a prominent automotive manufacturer, expressed his excitement about Qunzhi NC's machines, stating, "The VL8S and VL11S models are exactly what we've been searching for to meet the growing demands of our production line. The double-spindle design significantly improves our output without compromising on precision and quality."

The event proved to be a resounding success for Suzhou Qunzhi NC, allowing the company to showcase its capabilities and foster strong relationships with clients, both old and new. The positive feedback and acclamation received durirng the exhibition serve as a testament to Qunzhi NC's delication to excellence in the manufacturing industry. 

As the CHN MACH EXPO 2023 came to a close. the team of Suzhou Qunzhi NC expressed their gratitude to all vistors and clients for their overwhelming support. 

The company remains committed to driving innovation and delivering high-performance machinery to meet the evolving needs of the industry.

CHN MACH EXPO 2023 Witnesses Success as Suzhou Qunzhi NC Showcases Innovative Machining Centers

CHN MACH EXPO 2023 Witnesses Success as Suzhou Qunzhi NC Showcases Innovative Machining Centers